You should choose clothes for forest hiking in such a way that you would be in a forest as comfortable as possible. In warm weather it is possible to remove excess layers, and when it is cold, on the contrary, to add them.
You should choose clothes for forest hiking in such a way that you would be in a forest as comfortable as possible. In warm weather it is possible to remove excess layers, and when it is cold, on the contrary, to add them.
Windproof and waterproof jacket, called windbreaker, and ideally it is a raincoat at the same time, “2 in 1”. In serious hiking conditions it is best to take a good membrane storm jacket, but for hiking along easy route any windbreaker will suit, even if it is not a raincoat. Jacket needs to be light and loose, to close the posterior at least to the middle, always with a hood and it is preferably it covers your neck.
A raincoat (cloak, rain cape) — it must be in your backpack if your windbreaker gets wet. While you are going hiking with any route, both easy and difficult, it is necessary to consider protection against the rain. The argument “I thought it wouldn't rain, and therefore did not take the raincoat” sounds very childish, although our instructors occasionally have to hear this. Almost in every list of equipping there is a point “raincoat” (rare exception- the countries with vividly expressed tropical climate, where in a certain season rains never happen). It is better to let the rain cover be placed the entire trip in a backpack than it will be absent when it is raining severely. If you are happy with the prospect of walking being wet when wind is piercing — in this case, you cannot take a raincoat.
Goods for hiking in the forest: a raincoat
Raincoats can be:
- thin polyethylene, multicolored ones, wearing them our grandmothers usually sell flowers at the subway. Such raincoats aren't brought with us for a campaign, because colored polyethylene will remain on the first bushes or will become torn just while putting on your backpack;
- those made of thick polyethylene-you can take them with you, but there is a drawback: raincoats made of polyethylene “do not breathe” and you cannot walk for a long time wearing them, you will get wet anyway, because you will be covered with sweat;
- those made of special fabrics -are sold in stores for equipping, are worth inexpensive, breathe (you don't perspire under them) and withstand severe rain;
- raincoats-poncho-made of the same special fabric, cover both the tourist and his backpack. Pros: Both person and a backpack are protected. Cons: it is difficult to put on without help, and at a halt, when it rains, and the backpack is removed from the shoulder — you sit with your poncho put on, and the backpack gets wet in the rain.
- there exist better kinds of raincoats- those made of membrane fabric -but then this will be already membrane windbreaker, described slightly above.
Down jacket is a warm jacket with down filler, and it is irreplaceable for climbing and winter hiking. The requirements for a down jacket are it should be lightweight, and compact. A down jacket requires careful treatment, because it is burns through by sparks of the campfire very easy and becomes damp due to the rain, and to dry it is very difficult task. It is necessary to have a dry bag or tight carrier bag for your down jacket, this way it is protected against damp.
A warm jacket, this can be any autumn or winter jacket with synthetic filler, and it should be hooded. It will be suitable for a journey on foot along regions where the temperature is below zero at night. The requirements are: lightness, compactness. It may often happen that a down jacket takes plenty of space in your backpack, and it is interchangeable with thermal underwear, a pair of flisca, and good windbreaker taken instead of a down jacket.